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Blood Testing in Louisville, Kentucky

(100's of Quest and Labcorp blood testing lab locations near you)
Clia Certified
Clia Certified

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Order Lab Tests Online
Order Lab Tests Online

Order the lab tests you want online or by phone: (877) 283-7882

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Find a Lab Near You

Visit a Quest Diagnostics or LabCorp location near you to get your lab work done.

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Get Lab Test Results

The same report doctors use, sent directly to you.

(877) 283-7882 for blood work labs in Louisville, Kentucky without a doctor visit

What you may not know is that you don't have to visit your doctor or make office appointments to have lab tests ordered. Private MD Labs makes blood testing available without a doctor's order and no insurance is needed. Simply order your blood work online and walk-in to one of our 100's of labs near you Louisville to complete your testing.

At Private MD Labs we make lab blood testing easy by allowing you to avoid the hassle of visiting your doctor. We provide consumer access to the same Louisville labs and FDA approved blood tests that your doctor utilizes. Thousands of lab tests available, from allergy and hormones, to vitamin testing. Test results are securely delivered to you directly electronically, saving you time, hassle and money.

 Same-day blood test without visiting a doctor in person.
 Fast, accurate, clear results that makes getting your blood work convenient.

Blood Test in Louisville, Kentucky

Order your own blood lab tests in Louisville. No doctor's visit is needed, no insurance required. The labs we work with in Louisville are FDA and CLIA approved. Results come back in 1-3 days on most general wellness blood tests.

For patients concerned about cardiac risk factors, Private MD Labs offers a C-Reactive Protein (CRP) high sensitivity test that will provide you with a risk factor for a cardiac event. You can also order a cholesterol test (aka "lipid panel" or "lipid profile") or a homocysteine test.

Other common lab tests you can order in our Louisville blood labs are a complete blood count (CBC) with differential (diff). A CBC with diff is often ordered to determine if the body is actively fighting an infection. It can also highlight other concerns with having too many or too few white or red blood cells.

A metabolic panel is another test frequently ordered in Louisville. A CMP or comprehensive metabolic panel includes many different markers and is often ordered every year as part of an annual physical or check up. The complete metabolic panel from Private MD Labs will check your kidney, liver and electrolyte levels. Another name for the CMP is "basic metabolic panel".

One of our most popular blood work tests in Louisville is the General Wellness Panel. This is a general wellness blood and urine test panel. The combination of tests include a Lipid Panel, CMP, CBC, Iron, Kidney Function, Liver Function and Urinalysis. For just $99 it provides an affordable snapshot or overview of your health status.

Choose a featured panel

General Wellness Panel

Earn 208 points

Deluxe Wellness + Vitamin D

Earn 308 points
Earn 459 points

Ultimate Wellness Panel with Vitamin D

Earn 345 points

See all General Health and Wellness tests

Which blood test panel is right for me?

General Wellness Panel – measures over 60 well established markers and is composed of the following lab tests: Complete Blood Count (CBC), Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), Urinalysis (UA), Iron w/TIBC, Kidney Function, Liver Function and Lipid Panel (cholesterol test).

Deluxe Wellness with Vitamin D – with more than 70 measurements this package of 11 lab tests provides a greater assessment of overall health. This highly recommended panel adds, , C-Reactive Protein, Homocysteine, Thyroid Profile and Vitamin D levels to the tests included in the General Wellness Panel.

Ultimate Wellness Panel with Vitamin D – This top of the line panel provides levels for CBC; CMP; Ferritin; GGT; Hemoglobin A1c; Insulin; Iron; Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase (Ld) (LDH); Lipid Panel with Ratios; Liver Function Profile; Magnesium RBC; Phosphorus (phosphate); Thyroid Profile w/TSH; Uric Acid (Gout); Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy and Urinalysis.

Carefully designed by our physicians, these panels provide a thorough analysis of how your body is functioning, and should be a part of any wellness routine, helping identify health concerns before they progress into chronic or life-threatening conditions. To help determine which panel is right for you, if you need a blood test in Louisville, KENTUCKY please call (877) 283-7882 in to speak with a member of our team.

Why Private MD Labs?

  • Same-day blood test without an in person doctor's visit
  • Private, FDA approved testing
  • Results typically in 3 business days via secure login
  • Choose from Quest or LabCorp
  • 4,000 convenient testing locations nationwide
  • Since 2005, Private MD Labs has served over 150,000 patients

Your satisfaction our top priority

Order your own lab and blood tests online without a visit to your doctor.
Our labs are trusted by doctors and hospitals all over the US.
We offer discounted lab prices for patients paying out-of-pocket. Save over 70% from typical lab fees.

As a Private MD Labs patient, you will be supported every step of the way through the lab testing process. Our service can help with ordering the right tests for your needs and our labs near me locator will help you find the most convenient location near Louisville to have your testing done. Once your blood sample has been processed by one of the laboratories in our network, we'll notify you via email so you can securely login to access your test results.

Our goal is to make it easy for health-conscious people to take good care of themselves by providing them more budget-friendly and convenient access to high quality lab tests. Our service makes it easy to have routine blood work, keep up with preventive health screenings and/or monitor their own progress towards optimizing their health and well-being. In other words, our blood testing labs near Louisville, Kentucky can help put you in the driver's seat when it comes to managing your own health and well-being.

Blood Test Near Me in Louisville, Kentucky

As most health conscious consumers know, routine blood testing is an important tool to keep track of their own health status. Blood work screens for developing health issues, tracks health changes, detects infections and diseases, and aids in monitoring health progress and/or the effectiveness of treatments.

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