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Few obese white women seek colon cancer testing

Category: Colon

Obese white women have low rates of lab testing for colon cancer, according to a new study conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins University. The findings suggest that more needs to be done to encourage colon cancer testing among this group.

In recent years, public health officials have gone on campaigns trying to educate the public about the importance of colon cancer testing. These efforts have in large part been successful, as testing rates are up in all parts of society. However, the new findings suggest that special programs may need to be developed targeting obese white women.

For the study, researchers reviewed data from 23 previously investigations that looked at colon cancer testing rates. The results showed that obese white women were 13 percent less likely than their normal-weight counterparts to seek colon cancer testing. They even had lower testing rates than African American women, who have traditionally been reluctant to seek testing.

The researchers said this is a troubling problem because numerous studies have linked obesity to higher rates of colon cancer. Therefore, the people who could most benefit from testing have among the lowest rates of screening. 

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