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Bariatric surgery produces blood sugar benefits for diabetics

Category: Diabetes

For individuals who have received blood tests indicating they have diabetes, weight loss surgery may help them reach healthier blood sugar levels and potentially even resolve their condition, according to a new study out of the Cleveland Clinic.

Researchers compared the effects of two common weight loss surgeries - gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy - to the products of standard medical treatment of diabetes. The results showed that 42.6 percent of those who received gastric bypass and 36.7 percent who received sleeve surgery achieved normal glucose blood tests within 12 months. Comparatively, only 12.2 percent of participants receiving standard treatment hit this mark.

"After one year, patients who underwent gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy lost more weight and were significantly more successful at controlling their diabetes, compared to those who simply took medications," said Philip Schauer, who led the study.

He added that bariatric surgeries may represent a powerful tool for helping diabetics manage their condition. This could help minimize the prevalence of many of the complications associated with diabetes, including heart disease, kidney damage and loss of nerve function.

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