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Kidney stone analysis extra line of defense

Category: General Wellness

While a new study has surfaced touting a diet to reduce the risk of developing kidney stones, those who have already passed their own stone may want to get a kidney stone analysis as an extra line of defense.

According to new research published in the August 13 issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet may be beneficial to those interested in reducing their risk of kidney stones.

The DASH diet mainly consists of a reduction of sodium in one's meals. However, it also includes a higher consumption of nuts, whole grains, fish, poultry, fruits and vegetables. Red meats, sweets and sugars are to be avoided.

A total of 241,766 men, older women and younger women participated in the study. At the conclusion, researchers found that individuals in all three groups with higher DASH scores had a significantly lower risk of developing kidney stones.

While this is an important finding, some people who have already passed a stone may want a more accurate treatment to ensure another one doesn't develop. This can come from a kidney stone analysis, which is a chemical analysis of the passed stone and will help determine the right treatment for a patient.

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