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Nutrient in poultry may benefit women with high cholesterol

Category: Heart Health and Cholesterol

A nutrient found in the dark meat of poultry and some seafood may provide cardiovascular protection for women who have received unhealthy cholesterol tests, according to a new study.

A team of New York University researchers found that women with high cholesterol who consumed greater quantities of the nutrient taurine were less likely to eventually be diagnosed with coronary heart disease.

The findings were based on nutritional data and medical histories gathered from more than 14,000 who were between the ages of 34 and 65. The information was collected from 1985 to 1991.

The researchers said that less is known about taurine. It has not undergone extensive scientific studies and most of what researchers know about it comes from trials involving animals. However, the study study provides promising results given the fact that it was carried out in humans.

"It is an interesting possibility," said lead researcher Yu Chen "If these findings are confirmed, one day we might be able to suggest that someone with high cholesterol eat more poultry, specifically dark meat."

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