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Simple steps can improve cholesterol test scores

Category: Heart Health and Cholesterol

An unhealthy cholesterol test score does not necessarily mean that an individual will eventually develop heart disease. While it does significantly increase the odds of experiencing cardiovascular complications, there are many things that people can do to improve their heart health and lower their cholesterol.

One of the most popular options is to take medications. Statin drugs have been called a miracle substance for their ability to lower cholesterol levels back to a normal, healthy point. However, once a person starts taking these drugs, they often must remain on them for the rest of their lives.

Perhaps the simplest way to reduce cholesterol levels back to within a healthy range is to eat a healthier diet and get more exercise. Experts from the Mayo Clinic recommend eating foods that are rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. These foods may include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fatty fish.

These may seem like simple guidelines, but they prove to be challenging for many people. Making large lifestyle changes can take commitment and willpower, but once they are made, they can pay off with improved cholesterol test results in the future.

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