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Study finds heart health benefits in chocolate

Category: Heart Health and Cholesterol

Individuals who have received unhealthy cholesterol test results may benefit from working a little more dark chocolate into their diets. A team of researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center came up with these seemingly counterintuitive findings after reviewing the results of many previously published studies.

The researchers told HealthDay News that there is one catch: chocolate is high in fat and calories, and may be unhealthy particularly for individuals who have weight problems. However, the sweet (word missing?) has high levels of antioxidants called flavinols, which have been shown by several studies to help bring down cholesterol.

Since maintaining healthy weight is equally a large part of preserving good heart health, the researchers told the news source that incorporating cocoa in a diet, rather than eating actually chocolate may be the healthiest choice. This can involve topping cappuccino with powder or making hot cocoa with low-fat milk.

The study confirms the results of earlier investigations, including one published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which found that cocoa may have a number of heart health benefits.

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