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NAFLD patients may have overactive livers, researchers find

Category: Liver Diseases

The livers of individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, may be significantly more active when it comes to burning fat, according to a new study. This may cause the organ to burn out, which could account for health problems associated with the condition.

Liver panel tests are increasingly showing that patients are burdened by NAFLD. The kind of liver damage once only associated with heavy alcohol consumption is now being seen in people who have never drank in their life. The condition is closely linked to obesity, and it was previously believed that the livers of people with the condition may be insufficiently active.

However, the new findings out of the University of Texas show that this is likely not the case. The team analyzed the rate at which different people's livers broke down fats. The results showed that those with NAFLD were 50 percent more efficient at this.

The researchers said their findings may help doctors come to a better understanding of NAFLD, which could lead to more effective treatments for the condition. One thing is for sure: With the number of people receiving liver panel test indicating they have the condition, productive therapies will be critical in the future.  

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