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Study finds link between vitamin D deficiency and depression

Category: Vitamin D Deficiency-Diagnosis and Treatment

Older individuals who feel the symptoms of clinical depression may want to seek vitamin D testing, as a new study from English researchers has found that a deficiency of the vitamin is closely associated with the mood disorder.

Vitamin D deficiency is particularly common among people who live in northern latitudes. Additionally, older individuals are more likely to experience depression and vitamin D deficiency for a number of reasons.

Researchers from King's College London reviewed data from previous surveys that analyzed the mental health and vitamin D levels of more than 2,000 seniors over 65 years old. They found that individuals who had the lowest levels of the nutrient were more likely to experience depression.

"Although vitamin D deficiency has been investigated in relationship to mental disorders in younger adults, relatively little research has investigated this association in older people, despite the higher potential impact," the study's authors wrote, as quoted by Medscape Today.

However, researchers cautioned that depression could be a cause of vitamin D deficiency, rather than a symptom. They called for further research to pin down the reason for this correlation.

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