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Vitamin D tests may prevent flu spread this winter

Category: Vitamin D Deficiency-Diagnosis and Treatment

Vitamin D may be an important factor in preventing some respiratory infections like influenza, according to new studies.

A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine detailed the procedures whereby scientists examined vitamin D levels and occurrences of respiratory infections in about 19,000 participants. The researchers found that those with the lowest measurements of vitamin D were more than 33 percent more likely to report having upper respiratory infections than their counterparts with higher vitamin D levels.

A second study, conducted by Dr John Cannell determined that the influenza virus can be transmuted more expansively during the winter in populations with low vitamin D levels. The researched linked the so-called sunshine vitamin with strengthened immune systems. Vitamin D deficiency tests allow patients to assess their current intake.

Vitamin D is also known to prevent osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer and breast cancer. According to Dr. Daniel Chong, a naturopathic physician in Oregon, 40 percent of the U.S. population is currently vitamin-D deficient.

The researchers pointed out that, in addition to sunlight, fresh mushrooms are a primary source of vitamin D, with a three-ounce serving providing about 100 percent of the recommended daily intake.

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