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Walks may help prevent cancer in womenTaking a walk or getting another form of exercise may significantly reduce the risk of cancer in older women, according to a study from the American Cancer Association. The results show that an active lifestyle can help reduce the risk of breast cancer, so those who may be at risk should consider adding an exercise regimen to their lives.
Exercise and cancer... Full Story
New advances may have created a vaccine that could help reduce the rates of breast cancer recurrences, which are often deadly for women diagnosed with the disease. According to lab tests, the vaccine has been successful, so testing in human patients can now begin.
Breast cancer vaccine developments... Full Story
Antibodies from the human papillomavirus may be linked to cases of throat cancer, according to a new study. Blood tests revealed that those with throat cancer are much more likely to have HPV antibodies than the normal population. The study was conducted by the National Cancer Institute and the International Agency for Research on Cancer and published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Link between HPV antibodies and throat cancer... Full Story
A new study has found that sitting for a large part of the day as part of a sedentary lifestyle may increase the risk of getting colon cancer later in life. The study found that, even with exercise, those who spend an extended amount of time sitting each day may be more likely to get colon cancer, so those who sit often may want to consider getting lab tests to check their status.
Sitting and colon cancer... Full Story
For many diagnosed with colorectal cancer through lab tests, bevacizumab is a commonly prescribed medication. However, this medication can sometimes be ineffective at stopping tumor growth, and a group of researchers from the University of Colorado Cancer Center may have come a few steps closer to understanding why.
How the medication works... Full Story
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