Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) , IFA
HSA/FSA accepted
ANA Screen IFA w/ Ref to Titer and Pattern
- Unveil autoimmune issues affecting your health
- Clarify unexplained symptoms like fatigue or pain
- Pinpoint specific antibodies causing your problems
- No need to visit a doctor
- Results by email & SMS
- Prescription never expires
- All inclusive, no extra fees
- 1-minute checkout
Lab order
in a few minutes
Low prices
since 2005
90 day money-back
No waiting
at the doctor's
Labs within
2 miles
Private, accurate
and secure
HSA/FSA accepted
ANA Screen IFA w/ Ref to Titer and Pattern
- Unveil autoimmune issues affecting your health
- Clarify unexplained symptoms like fatigue or pain
- Pinpoint specific antibodies causing your problems
Ana Screen, Ifa
Test details
HSA/FSA: reimbursable
Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 4 business days
HSA/FSA accepted
Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) , IFA
- Reveal autoimmune issues causing your symptoms
- Clarify unexplained joint pain origins
- Detect early signs of chronic diseases
Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA), IFA