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Hepatitis A Testing

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HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Hepatitis A Antibody, Total
  • Detect past Hepatitis a exposure easily
  • Confirm immunity status for peace of mind
  • Clarify unexplained liver issues quickly
Includes: Hepatitis A Ab, Total
Preparation No biotin: 72 hours
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 3 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Hepatitis A IgM Antibody
  • Detect Hepatitis a infection early
  • Clarify unexplained symptoms quickly
  • Confirm your liver health status
Includes: Hepatitis A Igm
Preparation No biotin: 72 hours
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 5 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Hepatitis Panel Acute, w/ Ref Confirmation
  • Pinpoint the cause of liver discomfort
  • Reveal hidden Hepatitis infections effortlessly
  • Confirm your liver health with certainty
Includes: Confirmation Hepatitis A Igm Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Igm) Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Hepatitis C Antibody Index
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 3 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Hepatitis A Antibody, Total
  • Detect Hepatitis a exposure early
  • Confirm immunity status with certainty
  • Clarify unexplained liver issues quickly
Hepatitis A Antibody, Total (Measures both IgG and IgM forms of the antibody).
Does not differentiate between these two forms. Hepatitis A antibody of IgG type is indicative of old infection and is found in almost 50% of adults.

What is Hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A is a viral infection of the liver. The liver becomes inflamed, tender, and swollen.

How Does Hepatitis A Occur?

Hepatitis A is caused by the Hepatitis A virus. The virus can be spread by contact with infected bowel movements. An infected person may pass Hepatitis A to others by not washing his or her hands, especially after using the bathroom. You might get the virus from:

What are the Symptoms of Hepatitis A?

Symptoms usually appear 2 to 6 weeks after you are infected with the virus. Hepatitis A is sometimes so mild that there are no obvious symptoms. If you have symptoms, the illness usually begins with these flulike symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • General aching
  • Tiredness.
  • Smokers may lose their taste for cigarettes.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Foul breath and bitter taste in the mouth
  • Dark brown urine
  • Yellowish skin and eyes (jaundice)
  • Pain just below the ribs on your right side, especially if you press on that part of your abdomen
  • Bowel movements that are whitish or light yellow and may be looser than normal.

How is Hepatitis A Diagnosed?

Your health care provider will ask about your medical history and symptoms. Your provider will examine your skin and eyes for signs of Hepatitis. Your provider will check your abdomen to see if the liver is enlarged or tender. You will have blood tests. If blood tests show that your liver is not working normally, your provider will do tests to find out if a virus is causing the problems. Tests that find a virus will also determine the type of virus. (Several types of viruses can cause Hepatitis.)


  1. What is Hepatitis A?

    Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by the Hepatitis A virus (HAV). It's characterized by inflammation and enlargement of the liver. People usually contract Hepatitis A by ingesting traces of feces from a person infected with the virus, most often spread through unwashed food or contaminated water.

    Usually, an acute infection with Hepatitis A won't develop into a chronic disease. However, some forms of the virus can result in chronic disease.

  2. How to test for Hepatitis A?

    The most common and reliable test to detect the Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a blood test that looks for antibodies against HAV (IgG and IgM antibodies). Suppose you have symptoms of Hepatitis A but are unsure of having been exposed to that particular virus. In that case, you could get an acute Hepatitis panel performed that will check for all types of Hepatitis: A, B, and C.

  3. What are the symptoms of Hepatitis A?

    Symptoms usually appear 2 to 6 weeks after you are infected with the virus. Hepatitis A is sometimes so mild that there are no obvious symptoms. The illness usually begins with these flu-like symptoms:

    • Loss of appetite
    • Fever
    • General aching
    • Tiredness
    • Smokers may lose their taste for cigarettes

    After several days you may also have these symptoms:

    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Foul breath and bitter taste in the mouth
    • Dark brown urine
    • Yellowish skin and eyes
    • Pain just below the ribs
    • Loose whitish or light yellow bowel movements
  4. What does non-reactive mean on a Hepatitis A test?

    A non-reactive result means that the test did not detect any current Hepatitis A infection in your blood sample.

  5. Do I need to visit a doctor?

    Nope. You don't need a doctor's visit to get a test with us.

  6. How do I get my results?

    You'll get your results via email as soon as they are available. We will notify you via SMS as well. You can also see them at any time in the future right in your dashboard where you can easily share them with your professional and compare them side by side with future tests.

  7. Does my lab prescription expire?

    We're the only lab that honors your lab order forever.

Questions about online blood testing or how to order a lab test?

Speak with our Wellness Team: (877) 283-7882
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