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Hormone Testing Panel for Women

HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Women's Hormone Light Test
  • Reveal hormone imbalances affecting your mood
  • Pinpoint causes of irregular menstrual cycles
  • Clarify reasons behind unexpected weight changes
  • No need to visit a doctor
  • Prescription never expires
  • All inclusive, no extra fees
  • 1-minute checkout
Lab order in a few minutes

Lab order
in a few minutes

Low prices since 2005

Low prices
since 2005

90 day money-back guarantee

90 day money-back

No waiting at the doc

No waiting
at the doctor's

Labs within 2 miles

Labs within
2 miles

Private, accurate and secure

Private, accurate
and secure

HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Women's Hormone Light Test
  • Reveal hormone imbalances affecting your mood
  • Pinpoint causes of irregular menstrual cycles
  • Clarify reasons behind unexpected weight changes
Complete Blood Count / CBC (includes Differential and Platelets)
  • Absolute Promyelocytes
  • White Blood Cell Count
  • Red Blood Cell Count
  • Hemoglobin
  • Hematocrit
  • MCV
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • RDW
  • Platelet Count
  • MPV
  • Absolute Neutrophils
  • Absolute Metamyelocytes
  • Absolute Myelocytes
  • Absolute Lymphocytes
  • Absolute Monocytes
  • Absolute Eosinophils
  • Absolute Basophils
  • Absolute Blasts
  • Absolute Nucleated Rbc
  • Neutrophils
  • Metamyelocytes
  • Myelocytes
  • Promyelocytes
  • Lymphocytes
  • Reactive Lymphocytes
  • Monocytes
  • Eosinophils
  • Basophils
  • Blasts
  • Nucleated RBC
  • White Blood Cells
  • Red Blood Cells
  • Segmented Neutrophils
  • Metamyelocyte
  • Myelocyte
  • Promyelocyte
  • Nucleated RBCs
  • Smudge Cells
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (includes eGFR)
  • Chloride
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Bun/Creatinine Ratio
  • ALT
  • AST
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • Bilirubin, Total
  • Albumin/Globulin Ratio
  • Globulin
  • Albumin
  • Protein, Total
  • Calcium
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Creatinine
  • Urea Nitrogen (Bun)
  • Glucose
  • eGFR
Testosterone, Total, MS
Preparation Fasting: 12 hours No biotin: 72 hours
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 7 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Hormone Panel for Females
  • Pinpoint the cause of hormonal imbalances
  • Reveal why you're feeling constantly tired
  • Expose the reasons behind mood swings

Estradiol, serum;
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH);
Luteinizing Hormone (LH);
Testosterone, Serum (Total Only);

Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential: (Hematocrit; hemoglobin; mean corpuscular volume (MCV); mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH); mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); red cell distribution width (RDW); percentage and absolute differential counts; platelet count; red cell count; white blood cell count; immature granulocytes)
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) (includes eGFR): (A:G ratio; albumin, serum; alkaline phosphatase, serum; ALT (SGPT); AST (SGOT); bilirubin, total; BUN; BUN:creatinine ratio; calcium, serum; carbon dioxide, total; chloride, serum; creatinine, serum; globulin, total; glucose, serum; potassium, serum; protein, total, serum; sodium, serum.)

Note: If total testosterone results are expected to be >1500 it is best that the LC/MS-MS version of this panel be ordered. Reporting values that exceed 1500 will now be reported as >1500 for all regions, as this standard operating procedure will now be nationwide.


  1. What is a female hormone panel?

    A female hormone panel is a series of tests that measure the levels of hormones in a woman's blood. The test can diagnose hormone imbalances, such as those that occur during menopause or pregnancy. It can also be used to assess the overall health of a female.

    The female reproductive system makes female sex hormones that are active during the reproductive cycle. During menopause, the female reproductive system gradually stops producing female sex hormones, resulting in irregular menstrual cycles and eventually no menstrual cycles. Therefore, expected levels of hormones for women will vary through their menstrual cycle and life stages.

  2. What is tested in a female hormone panel?

    Hormones included in a comprehensive hormone panel for females are:

    • Estradiol
    • Testosterone
    • Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
    • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

    Additionally, a complete blood count (CBC) and comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) are performed on a female hormone panel. The information gathered from all these results can be used to understand your overall hormonal health better.

  3. What will a female comprehensive hormone panel tell me?

    A female comprehensive hormone panel can determine if your sex hormones are at optimal levels to promote proper functioning of the female reproductive system. It can also tell you if you are suffering from hormone imbalances and can help address symptoms like:

    • Fatigue
    • Low sex drive
    • Infertility
    • Irregular periods
    • Hot flashes

    This information will be useful to you and your doctor to determine if you need hormone replacement therapy or any other form of treatment.

  4. What is involved in getting a female hormone panel done?

    Getting a female hormone panel done involves taking a blood sample. The blood is then sent to a lab, where it will be analyzed to determine your hormone levels. The blood samples may also be tested for complete blood count (CBC) and a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP).

  5. Do I need to visit a doctor?

    Nope. You don't need a doctor's visit to get a test with us.

  6. How do I get my results?

    You'll get your results via email as soon as they are available. We will notify you via SMS as well. You can also see them at any time in the future right in your dashboard where you can easily share them with your professional and compare them side by side with future tests.

  7. Does my lab prescription expire?

    We're the only lab that honors your lab order forever.

Questions about online blood testing or how to order a lab test?

Speak with our Wellness Team: (877) 283-7882
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