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Testosterone Blood Testing

HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable and Total, LC/MS/MS
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting muscle growth
  • Clarify the reasons behind mood swings
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Dihydrotestosterone, (DHT) LC/MS/MS
  • Pinpoint the cause of hair loss
  • Reveal hidden hormonal imbalances
  • Clarify the source of acne issues
  • No need to visit a doctor
  • Prescription never expires
  • All inclusive, no extra fees
  • 1-minute checkout
Lab order in a few minutes

Lab order
in a few minutes

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Low prices
since 2005

90 day money-back guarantee

90 day money-back

No waiting at the doc

No waiting
at the doctor's

Labs within 2 miles

Labs within
2 miles

Private, accurate and secure

Private, accurate
and secure

HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Total, Male, IA (MALES ONLY)
  • Reveal the cause of low energy
  • Confirm your testosterone levels accurately
  • Pinpoint reasons for muscle loss
Includes: Testosterone, Total, Males (Adult), Ia
Preparation No biotin: 72 hours
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 3 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone Total LC/MS/MS
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting muscle growth
  • Confirm your hormone levels with certainty
Includes: Testosterone, Total, MS
Preparation No fasting required.
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 7 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Free, LC/MS/MS
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting muscle growth
  • Confirm your hormone balance with precision
Includes: Testosterone, Free
Preparation No fasting required.
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 7 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Free and Total, LC/MS/MS
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting your mood
  • Confirm your hormone levels with certainty
Includes: Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Total, MS
Preparation No fasting required.
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 7 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable and Total, LC/MS/MS
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting muscle growth
  • Clarify the reasons behind mood swings
Includes: Albumin Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Testosterone, Bioavailable Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Total, MS
Preparation No fasting required.
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 7 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Dihydrotestosterone, (DHT) LC/MS/MS
  • Pinpoint the cause of hair loss
  • Reveal hidden hormonal imbalances
  • Clarify the source of acne issues
Includes: Dihydrotestosterone, LC/MS/Ms
Test details HSA/FSA: reimbursable Results: first results available starting the next day, complete results in 7 business days
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Total, Serum
  • Reveal the reasons behind low energy
  • Confirm if low testosterone affects your mood
  • Pinpoint causes of decreased muscle mass

Total Testosterone

Note: If total testosterone results are expected to be >1500 it is best that the Testosterone LC/MS-MS version of this test be ordered. Reporting values that exceed 1500 will now be reported as >1500 for all regions, as this standard operating procedure will now be nationwide.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Total LC/MS-MS
  • Reveal the cause of low energy
  • Pinpoint reasons for muscle loss
  • Confirm your testosterone levels accurately

Testosterone Total

Note: Actual Total Testosterone levels will be provided with this test, even when levels exceed 1500.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting muscle growth
  • Confirm your hormone levels with certainty

Free (Direct)Testosterone (Only) This has a cutoff at >50.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
  • Pinpoint the cause of hair loss
  • Reveal hormonal imbalances affecting your mood
  • Clarify the reasons behind acne flare-ups
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), serum.

Estimated turnaround for results is 10 business days. If confirmation testing is required, the estimated time may be extended.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Free (Direct) With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting muscle growth
  • Confirm your hormone balance with precision

Testosterone Total
Testosterone Free

Note: Actual Total Testosterone levels will be provided with this test if levels exceed 1500. However, >50 is the highest value on the Free (Direct)Testosterone.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Free and Weakly Bound
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal the reasons behind mood swings
  • Clarify your muscle gain potential

Total testosterone,
% Free+Weakly Bound Testosterone,
F+W Bound Testosterone (calculated)

Note: If total testosterone results are expected to be >1500 it is best that the Testosterone LC/MS-MS version of this test be ordered. When total testosterone results are >1500, the F+W Bound component will also report as a greater than value.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone (Free) , Serum (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration) With Total Testosterone
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting muscle growth
  • Confirm your hormone levels with certainty

Total Testosterone
Free Testosterone
Percent Free Testosterone

Note: If total testosterone levels are greater than the cutoff for this test (>1500), results for free testosterone and/or percent free testosterone may not be provided. If total testosterone results are expected to be >1500 it is best that the LC/MS-MS version of this test be ordered.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum With Total Testosterone
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting your mood
  • Confirm your hormone levels with certainty

Free Testosterone (Direct)
Total Testosterone

Note: If total testosterone results are expected to be >1500 it is best that the Testosterone LC/MS-MS version of this test be ordered. The highest value on the Free (Direct)Testosterone is >50.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Free and Weakly Bound, With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting your mood
  • Confirm your hormone levels with certainty
Testosterone, Free and Weakly Bound, With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS

Note: Actual Total Testosterone levels will be provided with this test if levels exceed 1500.
HSA/FSA accepted HSA/FSA accepted $1 TODAY
Testosterone, Free, Equilibrium Ultrafiltration With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS
  • Pinpoint the cause of low energy
  • Reveal hidden factors affecting muscle growth
  • Confirm your hormone levels with certainty

Testosterone, Total, LC/MS
Testosterone, Free
% Free testosterone

Note: Actual Total Testosterone levels will be provided with this test if levels exceed 1500.

Testosterone Testing

Millions of customers nationwide use our confidential blood testing service.

Though testosterone is considered masculine, it can also be produced in the female body. Too little or too much in either can reveal severe health concerns.

Avoid uncomfortable questions for a blood test. With Private MD Labs, a testosterone test requires no doctor visit, and results are sent by email.

What is Testosterone?

Hormonal balance is essential for the regulation of a healthy body.

In men, testosterone is produced in the testes and the adrenal glands. During puberty, it builds muscles, deepens the voice, stimulates hair growth, and develops sexual organs. Throughout life, it produces sperm and regulates the sex drive. Testosterone levels are regulated by the pituitary gland. The gland releases luteinizing hormone when levels are too low, which signals the testicles to produce more testosterone.

Women produce testosterone in their ovaries and adrenal glands, but in a lower quantity than men. It helps balance hormones and regulates body function.

If testosterone levels are too low in males, they might notice a decrease in strength, body hair, and sex drive. On the other hand, women with high levels of testosterone may notice an increase in these “masculine” traits. Other symptoms of abnormal testosterone levels may be.

  • Fatigue – Low testosterone can disrupt sleep and result in low energy and fatigue.
  • Changes in Mood – Drastic changes in testosterone levels can reduce mental focus and cause irritability, anxiety, or depression.
  • Increase in Body Fat – Low levels of testosterone can cause abdominal weight gain and gynecomastia, or breast enlargement.
  • Decreased Bone Density – Testosterone helps produce bone mass. When levels are low, bones become brittle, and there is an increased risk of fracture.

What Is a Testosterone Test?

There are two types of testosterone.

  • Total Testosterone: The amount of testosterone attached to blood proteins and float freely.
  • Free Testosterone: The amount of testosterone not bound to proteins in the blood.

Though testosterone levels fluctuate as people age or as a result of health conditions, tests examine whether hormone levels fall in the standard range of total testosterone.

For males, the standard range is 300 to 800 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). For females, the target is 15 to 70 ng/dL.

After a man reaches 30 years old, testosterone levels decrease an average of 1% per year. However, it is also possible that levels may increase by 2% each year.

A testosterone blood test measures the level of both types of testosterone. However, doctors focus on free testosterone when diagnosing or ruling out medical conditions.

The test can help males determine the reason for low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, or a low sperm count. Low testosterone can indicate issues with the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, both of which control testosterone production. High levels of testosterone may indicate testicular cancer, androgen resistance, or congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

For women, a test can help determine why they may have irregular periods, have difficulty conceiving, or experience patterns of male hair growth. Results can be used to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome, which elevates testosterone levels. High levels may reveal that a woman has ovarian cancer or congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Testosterone tests may also be administered to monitor existing conditions.

Who Should Get a Testosterone Test?

The most common reason for taking a testosterone test is to determine why men have issues with infertility or sex drive. However, low testosterone has other causes.

Some people are born with conditions that affect testosterone levels, like Klinefelter syndrome, Noonan syndrome, or ambiguous genitalia.


Low testosterone may develop in men due to infection, pituitary gland disease, osteoporosis, or autoimmune disease. Treatment for other diseases, like chemotherapy or radiation, can also lower the body’s testosterone levels.

Low testosterone can develop as health conditions appear or worsen over time. People who are aging, obese, or have metabolic syndrome can experience low testosterone-related conditions. The use of antidepressants or narcotic pain medications can also affect testosterone levels. Thirty percent of men with HIV and about fifty percent with AIDS suffer from low testosterone.

How Does a Testosterone Test Work?

Typically, a testosterone test is a blood draw ordered by a doctor after a health screening. A doctor would inquire about how a patient developed during puberty, the history of testicular injury or infection, and other essential elements of a person’s health history. This would be accompanied by a physical examination that would check BMI, hair growth, and the size of genitalia.

However, with Private MD Labs, patients can avoid an uncomfortable visit to the doctor. Lab tests can be requested online without a doctor’s referral. Private MD then sends the requisition for blood work via email on the same day. These requisitions never expire.

Taking a Testosterone Test

Once the requisition has been received, patients visit their nearest lab for a blood test. A testosterone test should be scheduled early in the morning, between 7 and 10 AM, when levels are at their highest. Some tests may also require that patients stop using testosterone creams or vitamin supplements for 24 hours before the test. Review all provided directions carefully before the test.

The testosterone test consists of a blood draw. Blood is typically drawn from a vein on the inside of the elbow. The process usually lasts a couple of minutes.

After the test, blood samples will be sent to Private MD Labs for review. The results will be uploaded to a secure patient portal in about seven business days. All samples are analyzed at a CLIA Certified laboratory.

Interpreting Test Results

At Private MD, test results are easy to read. Patients will see their test results side-by-side with normal testosterone ranges and a notation if levels are in a critical range. If testosterone levels are out of a healthy range, an appointment with a doctor should be scheduled immediately to address the results.

Depending on the condition, a doctor may order additional tests for a more accurate diagnosis.

Can Abnormal Testosterone Levels Be Treated?

If medications or supplements cause abnormal testosterone levels, a doctor may recommend that alternatives be found. When other conditions are at fault, low or high levels of testosterone can be treated with prescriptions. Low testosterone can also be increased naturally.

Treatment Through Medication

Some testosterone medications can be taken orally, like a testosterone supplement. However, the most common treatment is Testosterone Replacement Therapy, administered via injection, implant, skin patch, or topical gel. Testosterone Replacement Therapy replaces the testosterone a person’s body is not producing.

Treatment Through Lifestyle Changes

Low testosterone levels due to obesity or metabolic syndrome can be treated through lifestyle changes to help balance hormone levels. Some changes may include.

  • Exercise can increase total testosterone levels.
  • Research
  • has shown that high-intensity interval training has the greatest impact. Heavy resistance training is also a good option for males.
  • Eating a balanced diet can help balance hormone levels. High levels of processed foods can lead to low testosterone levels. On the other hand, dark green vegetables, healthy fats, and proteins can regulate hormone levels.
  • Getting a good night’s sleep may balance testosterone levels. A side effect of low testosterone is sleep apnea. Restful sleep can potentially help the body “catch up” since it would not be functioning through fatigue.


  1. What is a testosterone test?

    A testosterone test measures this male hormone levels in a patient’s blood. Testosterone plays a vital role in a person’s overall development and sexual characteristics. In both, men and women, testosterone is produced by the adrenal glands and sex organs and controlled by the pituitary gland.

  2. Who may need a testosterone test?

    Testosterone testing can be done for a variety of reasons:

    • Evaluate symptoms of low sex drive, infertility, or erectile dysfunction in men
    • Evaluate early or late development (puberty) in children
    • Evaluate irregular menstrual periods or the development of male features like excessive body hair or deepening voice in women
  3. Can low testosterone result in low energy?

    Low testosterone can lead to a variety of symptoms, including low energy. Testosterone is essential for men because it maintains the male reproductive system and boosts the growth of muscle and bone mass. In women, although testosterone is normally lower than in men, a low level of this hormone can also result in lower energy and sex drive.

  4. How long do you need to fast before a testosterone test?

    Testosterone blood samples are best collected within 3 hours of waking up and having at least an 8-hour fast. This ensures a good sample of your natural hormone levels.

  5. What is the difference between free testosterone and total testosterone?

    Circulating testosterone exists in three forms:

    1. Free

    2. Weakly bound to albumin

    3. Strongly bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)

    Total testosterone is a measure of all three forms, while free testosterone is calculated from the results of total testosterone and concentration of SHBG.

  6. What is dihydrotestosterone, and how does it relate to testosterone?

    Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a testosterone metabolite that is 3 to 6 times more powerful than testosterone. DHT is primarily created in the organs where it is used, such as the prostate. The significance of the results will vary depending on the body part being assessed. High levels of DHT can cause problems in the prostate and a receding hairline.

  7. Do I need to visit a doctor?

    Nope. You don't need a doctor's visit to get a test with us.

  8. How do I get my results?

    You'll get your results via email as soon as they are available. We will notify you via SMS as well. You can also see them at any time in the future right in your dashboard where you can easily share them with your professional and compare them side by side with future tests.

  9. Does my lab prescription expire?

    We're the only lab that honors your lab order forever.

Questions about online blood testing or how to order a lab test?

Speak with our Wellness Team: (877) 283-7882
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