Urinary Tract Infection Panel
Lab order
in a few minutes
Low prices
since 2005
90 day money-back
No waiting
at the doctor's
Labs within
2 miles
Private, accurate
and secure
HSA/FSA accepted
Urinary Tract Infection Panel
- Pinpoint the cause of your discomfort
- Reveal hidden infections causing frequent urination
- Clarify why you're experiencing pain or burning
- Urinalysis, Complete Profile: Color; appearance; specific gravity; pH; protein; glucose; occult blood; ketones; leukocyte esterase; nitrite; bilirubin; urobilinogen; microscopic examination of urine sediment.
- Urine Culture, Comprehensive: Culture; quantitation, isolation, identification, and susceptibility testing of up to three organisms at >100 colonies/mL if culture results warrant.