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Conference to explore ways of treating metastatic breast cancers

Category: Breast

Following a positive breast cancer test, the worst fear most women have is that the tumor will spread to other areas of the body. New research is trying to mitigate the threat of metastasis, even for women who have aggressive forms of breast cancer that are known to frequently spread.

Results from several new studies will soon be presented at the upcoming Era of Hope Conference, which is sponsored by the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program and will be held in Orlando, Florida this week.

"New treatments for metastatic breast cancer are needed, as many patients become resistant to existing therapies," said Captain Melissa Kaime, director of the Directed Medical Research Programs. "The novel studies presented at Era of Hope explore a number of promising pathways for treatment and new targets for preventing the spread of cancer."

One study will look at ways to treat breast cancer that has spread to the bones, which is frequently fatal. Another will examine methods of treating HER positive breast cancer, a form of the disease that can be very resistant to most common therapies and frequently spreads to other areas.

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