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Expert says it is possible to preserve sexual function following prostatectomy

Category: Prostate

Many men worry that following a positive PSA test for prostate cancer, they will require surgery that robs them of their sexual performance ability. However, experts say that new options in surgery mean that this is not necessarily the case anymore.

Dr. David Samadi, a surgeon at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, said that robotic options often leave many of the nerves intact, preserving their ability to respond to stimuli. In many cases, this means that men can return to a normal sex life after surgery, achieving what he refers to as the "trifecta."

"The trifecta includes a 97 percent cancer cure rate, 96 percent recovery of continence and 85 percent recovery of sexual potency within one year," he said. "I try to reassure my patients that regaining sexual function after proper prostate cancer treatment is a reality."

He added that preserving nerve function during a prostatectomy is important for men who want to return to a normal sex life after surgery because insurers often limit the amount of medications they will provide to men in this situation. Therefore, avoiding the need for drugs in the first place is key.

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